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Date of publishing:July 29, 2010
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Who is who?

Antoon De Baets (NCH founder, editor & coordinator) is Emeritus Professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights, University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and President of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography.
Ruben Zeeman (co-editor) is a master student of comparative history at the Central European University of Vienna, Austria. For his cv: [

Antoon De Baets: cv

Antoon De Baets is emeritus professor of History, Ethics, and Human Rights at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is the author of publications on the censorship of history, the ethics of historians, and the history of human rights, among others. He is founder–coordinator of the Network of Concerned Historians (1995–), President of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (2022–), member of the Academia Europaea (2024–), and chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the project “The Netherlands and Afghanistan 2001–2021 (2023–). His ORCID is 0000–0002–5734–8193.

For his curriculum vitae: [E] or

For his book Crimes against History (2019): [E]
For his book Responsible History (2009):
 see below for complete book. 
For his book Gebruik en misbruik van geschiedenis (2008): [
For his book Censorship of Historical Thought, A World Guide, 19452000 (2002):
see below for
complete book.

Antoon De Baets: opinions addressed to international organizations

(download opinions by clicking on the [language])

  • 15 January 2024: Contribution for the upcoming report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education to the Human Rights Council on academic freedom and freedom of expression in educational institutions [E] and [E] and [E]
  • 31 October 2023: Reply to a questionnaire for a report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights on the right to access and take part in scientific progress [E] and [E] and [E]
  • 20 September 2023: Opinion on the draft Principles for Implementing the Right to Academic Freedom prepared by the Working Group on Academic Freedom [E]
  • 26 August 2022: Inaugural Address as President of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (At the ICHTH Board Meeting gathering at the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences during the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences, Friday 26 August 2022) [E]
  • 19 May 2021: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Call for input in preparation of Report on Respecting, Protecting and Fulfilling the Right to Freedom of Thought to the UN General Assembly [E] - mentioned in the report: [A][C][E][F][R][S]
  • 17 April 2021: International Committee of the Red Cross Missing Persons Project, Draft Guiding Principles for the Dignified Management of the Dead in Humanitarian Emergencies and to Prevent Them Becoming Missing Persons [E] - mentioned in the report: [A][E][F][R][S]
  • 14 April 2021: United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-recurrence, Questionnaire “Transitional justice measures to address the legacy of serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law committed in colonial contexts” [E]
  • 13 April 2021: International Criminal Court, Draft Policy on Cultural Heritage [E]
  • 10 October 2020: High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Draft Recommendation on Contested Histories: confidential opinion [not publicly availabe; on file with the author].
  • 10 February 2020: United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Draft General Comment: Science and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [E]

Antoon De Baets: selected publications (full text)

(download texts by clicking on the [language])


**“Academic Freedom between History and Human Rights in a Global Context,” in Joseph Zajda, ed., Fourth International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (Dordrecht: Springer, 2024), 101–122 [chapter 5] [
** “Open Letters in Closed Societies: The Values of Historians under Attack,” History and Theory,63 no. 4 (December 2024), 152–175 [
**“De geschiedenisles valt uit: Onderwijs in post-conflictsamenlevingen ” [The History Lesson Is Canceled: Education in Post-conflict Societies], Kleio, 65 no. 7 (December 2024), 50–55 [
** "My Little History Crisis," ICHTH Newsletter No. 4 (October 2024), 2–3 [column] [
** Historia, derechos humanos y democracia (São Paulo: Sororoca Livros, 2024; 168 pp.) [
S] (pdf) and [S] (epub)
** “A New Human Rights-Based Theory of Historians’ Responsibilities (in a Nutshell),” EuroClio (19 June 2024) [summary of address at Third Forum on History Education, a project of the Council of Europe, University of Bologna (17 May 2024) [
E] and [E].
** ““Historians Resisting Tyranny: A Preliminary Evaluation,” Hungarian Historical Review, 13, no. 1 (2024), 39–58 [
E] and [E] and [E]

** “Wobronie historii: Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi rozmawia z Antoonem De Baetsem,”Historyka: Studia Metodologiczne, 53 (2023), 139–147 [
Polish] and [Polish]
** “Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi in Conversation with Antoon De Baets, 'Defense of History,' One More Thing… (blog), History and Theory (October 2023) [
E] and [E].
** “Historians and Human Rights Advocacy,” in Lutz Raphael and Berber Bevernage, eds.,
The Professional Historian in Public: Old and New Roles Revisited (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022), 299–325 [E].
** “Jawaharlal Nehru,” in Daniel Woolf and Marnie Hughes-Warrington, eds.,
History from Loss: A Global Introduction to Histories Written from Defeat, Colonization, Exile, and Imprisonment (London: Routledge, 2023), 190–196 [E].
President’s Welcome Address: The Historian’s Forum Internum,” Newsletter of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography, no. 1 (February 2023), 2–3 [E]


** The View of the Past in International Humanitarian Law (1860–2020),” International Review of the Red Cross, 104, nos. 920–921 (November 2022), 1586–1620 [
“The Long Arm of the Dictator: Cross-Border Persecution of Exiled Historians,” in Stefan Berger and Philipp Müller, eds.,
Dynamics of Emigration: Émigré Scholars and the Production of Historical Knowledge in the Twentieth Century (New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2022), 58–73 (chapter 3) [E]
** Sleetse formules? De visie op het verleden in de historische overwegingen van mensenrechteninstrumenten (Hilversum: Verloren, 2022) [
** “Police Action or War? The Applicability of International Law in Indonesia in 1945–1949,” Verfassungsblog (26 January 2022) [

** “The Debate about the Role of the Holocaust in the Post-war Human Rights Revival,” Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, no. 13  (December 2021), 157–186 [
** “The Abuse of History,” in Bloomsbury History: Theory & Method (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2021) [
** “Academic Freedom between History and Human Rights in a Global Context,” in Joseph Zajda, ed., Third International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (Dordrecht: Springer, 2021), 923–943 [
** “The Difference between Free Expression and Academic Freedom [in Dutch], Thema Hoger Onderwijs (2021 no. 3), 12–17. [
** “Memory and Tradition as Limits to Free Expression about the Past,” Storia della Storiografia / History of Historiography, 79 no. 1 (September 2021), 19–42 [
** “Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘Limits to the Free Expression about History’,” Storia della Storiografia / History of Historiography, 79 no. 1 (September 2021), 11–18 [
** “Historians Killed for Political Reasons in Ibero-America (1920–2020),” Revista de História das Ideias / Journal of the History of Ideas, 39 no. 2 (2021), 13–47 [
** Le dirigeant russe transforme l’histoire en champ de bataille” (interview), Le Monde (11 June 2021), 3 [

** “With a Touch of Wisdom: Human Rights, Memory and Forgetting,”
Journal of the History of Ideas Blog [E]
** “Wijsheid achteraf als kompas” [Hindsight Wisdom as a Compass] in Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap, De toekomst van geschiedenis (The future of history) [Anniversary publication at the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Royal Netherlands Historical Society (KNHG)] (Amsterdam: KNHG, 2020) [
** “Psychology, History and Human Rights,” Global Network of Psychology for Human Rights [
** “De bever en de dam,” in Renate Huttinga en Annelies Noordhof-Hoorn, red., Hier sta ik, ik kan niet(s) anders: Wetenschappers aan het woord over roeping en beroep (Groningen: RUG, 2020), 12–13 [

** "Provisional Memorial for History Producers Killed for Political Reasons (from Ancient Times to 2017)" in Antoon De Baets, Crimes against History (London: Routledge, 2020), 155-164 [
** “Self-inculpatory Laws Do Not Exist,” Free Speech Debate (12 December 2019) [
** “Criminal Regimes Are Never Soft on History,” Free Speech Debate (23 December 2019)  [
** “Leyes que rigen la libertad de expresión del historiador: una visión comparativa en el mundo contemporáneo,”
Procesos: Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, no. 49 (January–June 2019), 133–170 [S]
** “The Historian-King: Political Leaders, Historical Consciousness, and Wise Government,” in Stefan Berger, ed.,
The Engaged Historian: Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics, Activism and the Historical Profession (New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2019), 79–117 [E]
Fake News about the Past Is a Crime against History,” World University News (4 May 2019) [E]
** “
Combatting Crimes against History,” History News Network (op-ed; 10 February 2019) [E]
** “The Censorship of History and Fact-Finding in Brazil (1964–2018),” in Nina Schneider, ed.,
The Brazilian Truth Commission in the Latin American Context: Local, National, and Global Perspectives (New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2019), 68–85 [E]
** Book review of Michael Ignatieff and Stefan Roch, eds., Academic Freedom: The Global Challenge (Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, 2018),
Connections: A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists (June 2019) and H-Soz-Kult (June 2019) [E]

** “Laws Governing the Historian’s Free Expression,” in B. Bevernage & N. Wouters, eds.,
The Palgrave Handbook of State-Sponsored History After 1945 (London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2018), 39–67 [E]
** “Censuur van buitenlandse geschiedenis in Nederland (1945–2018)” [Censorship of Foreign History in the Netherlands (1945–2018)], (2018) [

** “The United Nations Human Rights Committee’s View of the Past,” in U. Belavusau & A. Gliszczyńska, eds.,
Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 29–47 [E]
** “
Cuando los recuerdos nos invaden de nuevo sin dar aviso:Algunas reflexiones sobre los traumas personales, colectivos e históricos,” Palabras Al Margen [Colombia], 30 May 2017 [S]

** “A Historian’s View of the International Freedom of Expression Framework,” Secrecy and Society, 1 (2016), no. 1 [
** “A Historian’s View on the Right to Be Forgotten,” International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 30, nos. 1−2 (March-July 2016), 57−66 [
** “Censorship by European States of Views on Their Past as Colonizers,” in Laurent Martin, ed., Les Censures dans le monde, XIXe−XXIe siècle (Censorship in the world, 19th-21st centuries) (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016), 229−245 [
** “
Plutarch’s Thesis: The Contribution of Refugee Historians to Historical Writing (1945–2015),” Theme issue of Storia della Storiografia / History of Historiography, 69 no. 1 (July 2016), 27−38 [E

** “Democrazia e scrittura della storia,” Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale per la Storia del Movimento di Liberazione in Italia (translation Paolo Ceccoli): [
**“Democracy and Historical Writing,” Historiographies: The Journal of History and Theory, no. 9 (June 2015), 31–43 [with abstracts in English and Spanish] [E]
**“Archivists Killed for Political Reasons,” Comma: International Journal on Archives, 2013, no. 2, 123–134 (publication: 2015) [with abstracts in English: 154; French: 160–161; German: 166; Spanish: 172–173, Russian: 178–179, Arabic: 181, Chinese: 189–190.][E]
**“The Year Zero: Iconoclastic Breaks with the Past,” Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Folia 165 — Studia Politologica, XIII (2014),3–18. [
**“Post-conflict History Education Moratoria: A Balance,” World Studies in Education, 16, no. 1 (2015), 5–31. [
**“Human Rights, History of,” in James D. Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd, entirely updated edition; Oxford, etc.: Elsevier, 2015), volume 11, 367–374. [
** 4 columns on academic freedom (2011-2015) [
E]: “How Free Expression and Academic Freedom Differ” / “The Doctrinal Place of the Right to Academic Freedom Under the UN Covenants on Human Rights—A Rejoinder” / “Some Puzzles of Academic Freedom (Part 1)" / Antoon,“Some Puzzles of Academic Freedom (Parts 2 and 3).” All in: University Values: A Bulletin on International Academic Freedom, Autonomy & Responsibility
** De Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en de historicus [The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Historian] (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press / Pallas Publications, 2015) [58 pages; inaugural lecture as professor of history, ethics and human rights. [
** “Censorship and History (Since 1945)” in Axel Schneider and Daniel Woolf, eds., The Oxford History of Historical Writing, volume 5, 1945 to Present (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 52–73 [paperback version 2015; hardback version 2011]. [
** “Een openbare les over de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en de historicus,” Groniek: Historisch Tijdschrift, no. 203 (Fall 2015), 201–209 [
** “De zaak-Faurisson: De klacht van een holocaustontkenner bij het VN-Mensenrechtencomité,” Ex Tempore, 34 (2015), no. 2, 96–105 [

**  “Censorship of History in France and the Netherlands (1945–2014): A Survey,” Deshima, revue d’histoire globale des pays du Nord, no 8 (2014) (“Les relations franco-néerlandaises), 245–270. [

** “Uma teoria do abuso da história,” Revista Brasileira de História, 33, no. 65 (June 2013), 17–60. [
** “La privacidad póstuma” [Posthumous Privacy], in Joan-Lluís Palos and Fernando Sánchez Costa, eds., A vueltas con el pasado: historia, memoria y vida (Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2013), 213–237. [

** “Conceptualising Historical Crimes,” Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories (Athens), no. 11 (2012), 59–68. [
** “Does Inhumanity Breed Humanity? Investigation of a Paradox” (Review essay), History and Theory, 51, no. 3 (October 2012), 451–465. [
** “The Dark Side of Historical Writing: Reflections on the Censorship of History Worldwide (1945–2012),” in Giorgio Resta and Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, eds., Riparare, risarcire, ricordare: un dialogo tra storici e giuristi (Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, 2012), 343–370. [
** “Злоупотребление историей: границы, определения и исторические перспективы”  (“The Abuse of History: Demarcations, Definitions and Historical Perspectives,”), Gefter (; 26 October 2012; 16 pages). [
** “Предложения по Кодексу историков”  (“Proposal for a Code of Ethics for Historians”), Gefter (; 22 August 2012; 8 pages). [

** “History and Human Rights: Introduction to the Special Issue”, Theme issue “History and Human Rights”, Storia della Storiografia/History of Historiography,nos. 59–60 (September2011), 43–49. [
** “Historical Imprescriptibility,”Storia della Storiografia/History of Historiography, nos. 59–60 (September 2011), 128–149. [
** “Taxonomy of Concepts Related to the Censorship of History”, in Susan Maret, ed., Government Secrecy, Series Research in Social Problems and Public Policy(Bingley: Emerald) no. 19 (2011), 53–65. [

** “O impacto da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos no estudo da História”, História da Historiografia (Ouro Preto, Brazil), no. 5 (setembro 2010), 86–114 [
** “Onverjaarbare historische misdrijven,” Internationale Spectator, 64, no. 5 (May 2010), 293–297 [


** Responsible History (Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 2009) [
** “The Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the Study of History,” History and Theory, 48 no. 1 (February 2009), 20–43 [
** “A Code of Ethics for Historians” (excerpt from chapter 6 of Antoon De Baets, Responsible History (New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 2009) [

** “Power, Freedom and the Censorship of History,” Frame: Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap, 21, no. 2 (2008) 9–25 [
** “The Abuse of History: Demarcations, Definitions and Historical Perspectives,” in H. Hoen & M. Kemperink, eds., Vision in Text and Image: The Cultural Turn in the Study of Arts (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2008), 159–173 [

** “A Successful Utopia: The Doctrine of Human Dignity,” Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories (Athens), no. 7 (2007), 71–85 [
** “Postume privacy en reputatie” [Posthumous Privacy and Reputation] in: H. Renders & G. Voerman, eds., Privé in de politieke biografie (Amsterdam: Boom, 2007), 108–123 [

** “
Exile and Acculturation: Refugee Historians since the Second World War,” International History Review, 28, no. 2 (June 2006), 316–349 [E].

** “Last Rites, Old Wrongs,” The Times Higher Education Supplement, no. 1861 (4 March 2005), 16 [
** “Histoire et diffamation,” in: P. Durand, P. Hébert, J.-Y. Mollier & F. Vallotton, eds., La censure de l’ imprimé: Belgique, France, Québec et Suisse romande, XIXe et XXe siècles (Québec: Éditions Nota Bene, 2006), 397–428 [
** “Argumenten voor en tegen een ethische code voor historici,” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 118 (2005), no. 4, 564–571 [
** “Ethische codes als kompassen,” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 118 (2005), no. 4, 581–582 [

** “A Declaration on the Responsibilities of Present Generations toward Past Generations,” History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History,43, no. 4 (December 2004), 130–164 [

** “Na de genocide: Waarheidstrategiëen van rechters en historici”, Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis, 116 (2003), no.2 (May), 212–230 [

** “Defamation Cases against Historians,” History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History, 41, no. 3 (October 2002), 346–366 [
** Censorship of Historical Thought: A World Guide, 1945–2000 [

** “Herauten van een groots verleden: De geschiedvisie van derdewereldleiders" (Heralds of a Glorious Past: The Historical Views of Third World Leaders), Groniek: Historisch tijdschrift, no. 125, 1994, June, 6–21 [


** "Ibero-American History Producers Killed for Political Reasons (1920-2020)" [

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