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Title:NCH in the News
Date of publishing:August 09, 2022
Category:Other content

NCH in the News



  • American Historical Association, Statement on Oklahoma Mandate for Religious Content in Public Schools (9 July 2024) [E]
  • Antoon De Baets, “Historians Resisting Tyranny: A Preliminary Evaluation,” Hungarian Historical Review, 13, no. 1 (2024), 39–58 [E] and [E] and [E]
  • American Historical Association, Statement on 2024 Campus Protests (6 May 2024) [E]


  • “W obronie historii: Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi rozmawia z Antoonem De Baetsem,”Historyka: Studia Metodologiczne, 53 (2023), 139–147 [Polish] and [Polish]
  • Shamara Wettimuny, "True or False? 'History Under Threat in Sri Lanka," London School of Economics (13 November 2023) [E] or [E]
  • "Roundtables on 'Censorship in History Education' Address Academic Freedom," Central European University (13 November 2023) [E] and [E]
  • “Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi in Conversation with Antoon De Baets, 'Defense of History,' One More Thing… (blog), History and Theory, October 2023 [E] and [E].
  • Ruben Zeeman, "A (Re)Turn to Cultural Genocide: Insights from the Network of Concerned Historians' Annual Report," Histories at Risk (28 September 2023) [E] and [E].
  • Antoon De Baets, “Historians and Human Rights Advocacy,” in Lutz Raphael and Berber Bevernage, eds., The Professional Historian in Public: Old and New Roles Revisited (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023), Chapter 12, 299–325, here 316–323 [E].
  • Julia Boechat Machado & Ruben Zeeman, "Censoring History Education Goes Hand in Hand with Democratic Backsliding," History News Network (19 March 2023) [E].
  • Antoon De Baets, President’s Welcome Address: The Historian’s Forum Internum,” Newsletter of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography, no. 1 (February 2023), 2–3 [E]
  • "Network of Concerned Historians," Wikipedia [since 24 February 2023] [E] and [E].
  • Ruben Zeeman, "Suppression of Public Commemoration is an Early Warning of Authoritarian Abuse of History," History News Network (26 February 2023) [E].


  • Ruben Zeeman, Introducing the Network of Concerned Historians to Histories at Risk (6 December 2022) [E]
  • Luigi Cajani, "Round Table: Limits to Free Expression about the Past," International Committee of Historical Sciences Newsletter (October 2020), 8-9 [E].
  • Ruben Zeeman, "Around the World, Censorship of Historians Is Tied to Attacks on Democracy," History News Network (25 September 2022) [E].
  • Conversation with Antoon De Baets about the Network of Concerned Historians,” Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Researchof the Universität Duisburg-Essen (Duisburg, 13 September 2022) [E].
  • “The Death of History” (interview with Ruben Zeeman) (podcast series The In-House Warrior) (37'47") (2 August 2022) [E]
  • Ruben Zeeman, “Regimes around the World Are Manipulating History and Threatening Historians,” History News Network (5 June 2022) [E]
  • Antoon De Baets & Ruben Zeeman, “Historians Respond to Putin's Rewriting of the Past,” Mayday Magazine (May 2022) [E]


  • Centre for Philosophical Studies of History, University of Oulu (Finland), Facebook post regarding NCH (15 September 2021) [E]
  • ANPUH, “O comércio da mentira e os ataques à história professional” (Press release; 23 August 2021) [P]
  • Uladzislau Belavusau, "Adopting a Memory Law on the Dutch Slavery Past?" in Adviescollege Dialooggroep Slavernijverleden: Rapport van bevindingen – Ketenen van het verleden (The Hague, 1 July 2021), 138 [E].
  • "Council of Europe Must Issue Recommendation to Member States to Combat SLAPPS" (press release; 26 March 2021) [E]


  • "The Network of Concerned Historians," International Committee of Historical Sciences Newsletter (December 2019), 10 [E].
  • David Gaunt, “Growing Threats: Report from the Network of Concerned Historians,” Baltic Worlds (October 2019), 10–11 [E].
  • Message on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Network of Concerned Historians (13 October 2019) [E]


  • Catalina Gaete, "Two Decades of Mapping History under Threat," Website EuroClio (23 October 2018) [E]


  • Thomas Smits, "Historici onder druk," Website Over de muur (17 July 2017) [D]


  • Message on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Network of Concerned Historians (13 October 2015) [E]
  • Leonieke Vermeer, "Geschiedenis in gevaar: Een interview met Antoon De Baets over 20 jaar Network of Concerned Historians" [Part 1: Waarom bestaat het NCH?; Part 2: "Historici hebben te weinig aandacht voor het recht op waarheid"], Website (9 and 14 December 2015) [D]


  • Shatha Almutawa, "Beyond the Seven Speak-Nots: History Education in China," Perspectives on History: The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association (December 2014), 13 [E].


  • Antoon De Baets, "De missie van het Network of Concerned Historians," Website (16 February 2012) [D]
  • Allen Mikaelian, "The Network of Concerned Historians Reports on History and Human Rights," Perspectives on History (1 October 2012) [E]


  • Mark Yannie, "Network of Concerned Historians," Journal of Information Ethics, 20 no. 1 (spring 2011), 143 [E] and [E].


  • Interview with Antoon De Baets at the occasion of the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences in Amsterdam (August 2010) [video] [E]
  • Richard Vann, “Who Owns History?” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Issue 13), June 2010, 55-70 [here p. 63] [E]
  • Anne Rispens, "Ook van historici worden mensenrechten geschonden," Website (3 December 2010) [D]
  • Dunja Blazevic & Ingrid Myrstad, "Network of Concerned Historians: Den årlige rapporten til Network of Concerned Historians har nå kommet ut," Website of the Norwegian Association of Historians (21 December 2010) [Norwegian]


  • Antoon De Baets, “Against Oblivion: The Activities of the Network of Concerned Historians,” in Carlos Barros, ed., Historia a debate: Actas del III congreso international, vol. 2, Historiografía inmediata (Santiago de Compostela: Historia a debate, 2009), 189–202 [E]


  • Antoon De Baets, “The Network of Concerned Historians: A Decade of Campaigning,” History Australia: The Australian Historical Association Bulletin,3, no.1 (June 2006), 16.1–16.4 [E].
  • Antoon De Baets, “‘Verbeelding gedijt niet in gevangenschap': Het Network of Concerned Historians na 10 jaar,” Brood & Rozen: Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van sociale bewegingen, 2006, no. 2 (June), 58–61 [D].
  • Antoon De Baets, “‘Imagination Will Not Breed in Captivity’: The Network of Concerned Historians after Ten Years,” Fortid: Historisk studenttidsskrift, 3, no. 1 (2006), pages 56–57 [E]; 3, no. 2 (2006), 3 [Norwegian]


  • Antoon De Baets, "The Organization that Fights for Human Rights for Historians," History News Network (10 October 2005) [E]
  • Message on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Network of Concerned Historians (13 October 2005) [E]
  • Harry Perton, "Vervolgde historici? Die vragen om actie," Universiteitskrant (12 October 2005), 2 [D]
  • Shirley Haasnoot, "Organisatie voor vervolgde historici bestaat tien jaar," Historisch Nieuwsblad (17 December 2005), 11 [D]
  • Antoon De Baets, “'Imagination Will Not Breed in Captivity': The Network of Concerned Historians after Ten Years,” Annales Aequatoria, 26 (2005), 509–512 [E]


  • Dietrich Seybold, "Betroffene Geschichtsschreibung," Neue Zürcher Zeitung (25 February 2003), 58 [G]


  • “Contre l’oubli: la solidarité avec les historiens persécutés: Un entretien avec Antoon De Baets,” Clio: Revue de l’Association des Historiens de l’UCL, 1996, nos. 108–109, 53–55 [F]
  • Nanci Leonzo, “A Morte do Contrapoder,” Revista Adusp (May 1996), pages 39–40 [P].
  • Antoon De Baets, “A Organizaçâo do esquecimento: Historiadores perseguidos e censurados na Africa, Asia e América Latina”, Revista de história (Sâo Paulo), 1996, no. 134, 95–103 [P].